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TIA/TFT election results

The Tapuika Iwi Authority and Tapuika Fisheries Trust elections have been concluded with confirmation that 

  • There was only one nomination for each of the trustee positions available.
  • Jo'el Komene, Hori Ahomiro, Vance Skudder and Rawiri Biel are returned as trustees for their respective hapū.
  • Ashley Biel takes up the trustee position which became vacant with Bryce Kihirini's resignation. 

Nau mai hoki mai, nau mai haere mai.

The current trustees are:

  • Ngati Tuheke: Kramer Ronaki, Jo'el Komene
  • Ngati Moko: Hori Ahomiro, Ashley Biel
  • Ngati Marukukere: Raiha Biel, Vance Skudder
  • Ngati Kuri: Tamaku Pau'u, Rawiri Biel
  • Northern Taurahere Trustee: Witeri Williams (Chair)
  • Central North Island Taurahere Trustee: Vacant
  • South Island Taurahere Trustee: Ateremu McNeill (Interim Deputy Chair)


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