2022 Trust Deed Changes
Sometimes changes are necessary to keep up with changes in technology and organizational requirements. Under the rules of both the Tapuika Iwi Authority Deed & the Tapuika Fisheries Trust Deed and the Maori Fisheries Act we are required to conduct a special process to make changes to either Deed. This requires voting on the changes (currently postal) and an SGM to be Held.
The SGM (Special General Meeting) will be held at 10am on Saturday 13 August at Moko Marae, Waitangi.
Votes can be cast in two ways.
- They can be posted in the post paid envelope provided, and must be posted so that they reach the returning officer no later than 4pm on Friday 12 August.
- The can be placed in the ballot box that will be at the SGM no later than 12pm
If you are a registered adult member of Tapuika you will receive voting packs with the basic information. More detailed information can be found here including the marked up Trust Deeds showing the changes. Please note most of these changes were discussed and agreed at the 2020 AGM. This process is the legal requirement so the changes can be made.